Advanced TEI XML markup

In the Nyingarn Workspace, TEI XML markup is added through the blue buttons on the lefthand side of the transcription editing box. In addition to these functions, some XML commands can be added manually. Some of these advanced XML commands are listed below:

<milestone> element
The <milestone> element can be used to create columns. Insert a <milestone> element at the point in the text where the column layout changes. The element should have a unit attribute whose value should be “column”, and an n attribute whose value should be the number of the column, counting from left to right. For two-column texts, you will therefore have elements like <milestone unit=”column” n=”1”/> and <milestone unit=”column” n=”2”/> in alternation.

NOTE: <milestone> elements can end with a /> so opening and closing your column with <milestone></milestone> is not necessary.

<space> element
For significant white space (such as an indent), use a <space> element with a quantity attribute, e.g. <space quantity=”5”/> to insert 5 character widths of space.

<term> element
The <term> element can be used to tag a language in the manuscript. Insert the following around the part of text you would like to markup: <term xml:lang=“ ”> </term>. The language name goes between the “ ”.

<gap> element
If there is a portion of the manuscript that is unreadable, this can be tagged as <gap> </gap>. In the PREVIEW tab this will present as ‘[illegible]’. You can use this element where you have no idea what the manuscript says, compared to the <unclear> </unclear> tag which indicates you can at least guess at what was written in the original manuscript.