Our Team

Our Chief Investigators

The core team responsible for the design and development of the Nyingarn Platform (this site, the workspace and repository):

Project lead: A/Prof Nick Thieberger
         As project lead Nick is responsible for overseeing the project and ensuring the work on the platform is consistent with the needs of the community.
Project Manager: Dr Sophie Lewincamp, Bridey Lea, Thomas Watson
         Sophie is responsible for community engagement, management, training and outreach. Sophie has loaded, or helped load, most of the 500 manuscripts and counting!
Platform design and development: Dr Marco La Rosa, River Smith
         Marco designed and developed the Nyingarn Platform (Workspace and Repository). Marco translates user requirements into capabilites, develops them and manages the
         platform services.
TEI / XML development: Conal Tuohy
         Conal is the Text Encoding Inititative (TEI) / XML expert. Conal designed and developed the XML processing infrastructure that is a central capability in the workspace.
Nyingarn Logo Design: Nina Fitzgerald
Nyingarn Poster: Allyra Murray

Chief Investigators in the ARC LIEF grant
A/Prof Nick Thieberger, University of Melbourne (project lead)
Prof Clint Bracknell, University of Western Australia
Lauren Reed, Australian Institute for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies
Prof Jane Simpson, The Australian National University
A/Prof Stephen Morey, La Trobe University
Prof Linda Barwick, The University of Sydney
Prof Jakelin Troy, The University of Sydney
Prof Nicholas Enfield, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Myfany Turpin, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Robert Amery, The University of Adelaide
Prof Trevor Cohn, The University of Melbourne
Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, The Australian National University

Our Steering Committee

Meet our Committee Members
Lauren Booker
Dr Vicki Couzens
Dr Sandra Delaney
Craig Duncan
Callum Clayton-Dixon
Baressa Frazer
Charmaine Green
Brendan Kennedy
Kaitlyn Lodewikus
Theresa Sainty
Gari Tudor-Smith
Thomas Watson
Paul Williams

The Nyingarn team would like to thank and acknowledge two former committee members, Jodie Dowd and Nathan Mudyi Sentance.

Collectively, our Steering Committee’s role is to:
– Direct project outcomes
– Establish and drive manuscript access protocols
– Oversee and engage in ethical research activities following the University of Melbourne Human EthicsProtocols for using First Nations Cultural & Intellectual Property in the Arts and NHMRC’s Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities: Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders
– Provide direction to the project team
– Monitor timelines and quality of the project as it develops
– Identify early Indigenous language manuscripts for ingestion into Nyingarn
– Identify potential project risks and develop strategies to navigate them
– Support community networks and collaboration
– Support the project and act as an advocate for its outcomes
Membership includes: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander leaders in language revitalisation and/or research.

We are guided by the Australia Council for the Arts Protocols for using First Nations Cultural & Intellectual Property in the Arts