
Existing transcriptions done in Microsoft Word can be adapted and added to Nyingarn. Click here for instructions. Transcription files from Transkribus need to be converted to TEI for export into Nyingarn.

The Nyingarn Project uses DigiVol and FromthePage to transcribe manuscripts. See the guides below to use and join our online team of transcribers. Manuscripts are made available with permission from the relevant language group so that the text can be used by them and by others for appropriate purposes. Please do not distribute or use any of the material in these manuscripts except to transcribe it. The work will be distributed using a Creative Commons non-commercial, attribution licence.

DigiVol is a crowdsourcing platform that was developed by the Australian Museum in collaboration with the Atlas of Living Australia.
Want to be involved? Create an online account and search for Nyingarn to join our current manuscript expeditions.

Guides to Nyingarn at DigiVol

Doing transcription work with DigiVol
Exporting your data out of DigiVol
DigiVol transcriptions into Nyingarn

FromthePage is software for transcribing documents and collaborating on transcriptions with others.

Guides to Nyingarn at FromthePage

Exporting your data out of From The Page
FromthePage transcriptions into Nyingarn