Using Nyingarn


If you’re new to Nyingarn, or just looking for some advice, you might find the following helpful:

Check out the Nyingarn Workspace – Demo by Sophie, or Demo with Tom
Watch our How-To videos.
See our frequently asked questions page.
Head to our troubleshooting page for known issues.
Get in touch with the Nyingarn if you’re having trouble finding an answer to your question. 

Registered users can access the workspace via the link. To become a registered user, please email If you need access help, follow these instructions.

Getting Set Up ↗

The page introduces the Nyingarn Workspace, its terminology, naming your items & creating new items.

Transcriptions by Nyingarn↗

The page explains how to upload manuscript images into the Workspace for automated Optical Recognition (OCR).

Adding Transcriptions

Nyingarn can join manuscript images with existing transcriptions; learn how.

Enhancing Transcriptions ↗

This page explains how to edit and enhance transcriptions. Important information about language, people and places can be marked-up. How to add tables.

Metadata ↗

Learn how to add metadata to your items and collections, improving their interpretation and searchability.

Sharing your work ↗

The Nyingarn Workspace allows you to share and restrict your work; learn how.

Enhanced Nyingarn work ↗

This page explains the advanced uses of Nyingarn.

Permissions ↗

Permission documentation is needed to move manuscripts from the workspace into the repository.

The Nyingarn Repository ↗

With accurate transcription and metadata, and appropriate permissions, you can publish items to the Nyingarn Repository, a searchable repository of Indigenous language manuscripts.

See the main menu and links for support in the following areas:
Getting set up in Nyingarn
TerminologyNaming your manuscript images and itemsCreating a new itemCreating a new collection
Automated transcription
Uploading manuscript images into the workspace for automated Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Enhancing your items
Metadata in the workspace
Existing transcriptions
How to prepare & add them to Nyingarn

Need further assistance? Please get in touch with the Nyingarn Team, using the Contact Us link.